How to Auto Start Applications in Raspberry Pi OS

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How to Auto Start Applications in Raspberry Pi OS After Logging in to the GUI.
Unlike Auto Starting Applications in Ubuntu. Raspberry Pi OS does not have a GUI tool to set it up


Create a Auto Start File

mkdir /home/pi/.config/autostart
nano /home/pi/.config/autostart/mumble.desktop

Configure Auto Start File

Fill out
Name: Mumble
Exec: /usr/bin/mumble mumble://

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/mumble mumble://

Now every time you login the application above will auto start

Startup Order

The Name section is in alphabetical order. Name the application 00-Firefox 99-Mumble etc.

Adding Delay

Sometimes configuring the application to start in a certain order is just not good enough.
For example Mumble kept appearing on top of firefox.

Edit the *.desktop file

nano /home/user/.config/autostart/mumble.desktop

Add the following line to the end of the file.


The numerals represent how many seconds the delay will be
